View Full Version : MGO Event Announcements

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  1. Join Michigan Gun Owners
  2. firing line shoot
  3. Dinner March 24th
  4. Traditional Polish Dinners at the Copper Pickle
  5. MGO Annual Picnic
  6. Picnic Menu
  7. MGO Caboodle Shoot @ CCRC
  8. Civil War Muster August 26 Jackson, MI
  9. Mgo Shotgun Shoot 9/23/2006
  10. Breakfast at The Bomber
  11. MGO EC Meeting October 12 7PM
  12. Mgo Holiday Fun Shoot
  13. MGO EC Meeting December 8th
  14. MGO EC Meeting February 9th 6:00PM
  15. MGO EC Meeting April 21st 4:00PM
  16. June 22nd EC meeting.
  17. MGO Annual Meeting/Picnic
  18. Aug. 24 EC meeting
  19. Will MGO be participating?
  20. MGO Oct. Board meeting ***** NEW DATE *****
  21. Holiday Fun Shoot
  22. Scholarship Hunt
  23. Outdoorama
  24. MGO Executive Committee Meeting: May 16, 6:30PM
  25. Annual Meeting
  26. Head count
  27. Next EC meeting
  28. John Johnson Memorial Event
  29. Benefit for Kids (B4K)
  30. Annual Fun Shoot at Firing Line
  31. Outdoorama
  32. EC Meeting Dates Set through August 2009
  33. Fun Shoot at Advance Ranges, Burton
  34. MGO Shotgun Day at Island Lake - 4-26-2009
  35. Benefit Shoot at Island Lake
  38. Official MGO Mid-Michigan Shoot
  39. Fun Shoot at Advance Ranges Part 2
  40. EC Meeting April 17 Is postponed
  41. EC Meeting April 24, 2009
  42. MGO Memorial Shoot
  43. EC Meeting June 19, 2009
  46. 14th Annual Saginaw Bay Waterfowl Festival
  47. 2009 MGO FNRA Banquet
  48. Woods and Water Event 2009
  49. EC Meeting August 21, 2009
  50. 2009 MGO Events
  51. **CANCELED** MGO Charity Motorcycle run
  52. 2009 - 2010 MGO Meeting Dates
  53. Calendar updated
  54. February Meeting
  55. 2009 MGO FNRA Banquet (Added)
  56. Copper Pickle Polish Dinner - ~CANCELLED!~
  58. 2nd Annual MGO Memorial Shoot - Oct. 10th
  59. First Annual MGO FNRA Banquet - Oct 9th
  60. EC Meeting Friday, Oct. 16, 2009
  61. Memorial Shoot Pics Posted in the Gallery
  62. October 16, 2009 EC Meeting Agenda
  63. February Meeting Reminder
  64. Dec. 18th EC Meeting/Christmas Potluck dinner
  65. Firing Line Fun Shoot - Dec. 26th 2009
  66. MGO needs YOU (BIRCH RUN SHOW)
  67. December 18, 2009 Proposed Agenda
  68. Outdoorama 2010 2/25 thru 2/28
  69. B4K Tickets for Sale
  71. Work For Dues Program
  72. March Fun Shoot
  73. FNRA Dinner-Tickets available in the MGO Store!!!
  74. Proposed Agenda for Feb. 20 Meetings
  75. Second Amendment March in April
  76. Ultimate Round Count
  78. MGO Urges 2A March Support
  80. Tentative Agenda for April 2010 BofD Meeting
  81. 2010 Annual Meeting & Election
  82. Picnic Attendance Poll
  83. Upcoming Events
  84. Memorial Shoot Attendance
  85. 2010 Annual Meeting & Election --UPDATE
  86. Woods-N-Water Outdoor Weekend 9/10-9/12-Volunteers Needed!!!
  87. BOD Meeting Dates Through July 2011 Tentative
  88. TOP GUN
  89. Tentative Agenda for Oct. 9 BOD Meeting
  90. MGO Booth at Tea Party political rally - Oct 23
  91. December 2010 Directors Meeting and Holiday Potluck
  92. Outdoorama CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS!!!
  93. MGO Holiday Fun Shoot - January 7
  94. Deer & Turkey Expo in Lansing
  95. B4K Event January 29th, 2011
  96. Feb BoD/Membership Meeting/Fun Shoot
  97. CMP Volunteer Online for Eastern Matches
  98. MGO Challenge
  99. MGO & Michigan Open Carry Charity Fundraiser
  100. MGO needs help-Ultimate Sport Show Grand Rapids
  101. MGO Spring Fun Shoot - March 12
  102. Annual FNRA Banquet (2011)
  103. BOD Meeting April 15, 2011
  104. MGO annual meeting
  105. MGO Annual Members Meeting and Elections (2011)
  106. MGO needs help-Michigan Sportsman's Expo, Clare MI
  107. MGO June BoD mtg.
  108. Aug Fun shoot
  109. Membership ID Card
  110. Woods-N-Water Volunteers needed!!! 9/9 to 9/11
  111. BOD Meeting Dates - Tentative
  112. October Fun Shoot CQT Shelby Twp. MI
  113. October 22, 2011 Memorial Shoot @ HGC
  114. December 10th Meeting and Fun Shoot-Flint
  115. February Board Meeting and Fun Shoot
  116. B4K Banquet
  117. 2012 Outdoorama call for volunteers!
  118. B4 kids meets the challenge.
  119. 2012 Ultimate Sports Show Grand Rapids call for volunteers!
  120. Fun Shoot Advanced Ranges, Burton MI
  121. CQT 1 year anniversary open house, Call for Volunteers
  122. April BoD Meeting and Free Fun Shoot
  123. Constitutional Carry Rally in Lansing May, 19
  124. June BoD Mtg.
  125. MGO annual members meeting, Please read new thread
  126. Woods & Water Outdoor weekend Sept 7-9-2012 booth workers needed
  127. MGO annual members meeting, BOD elections and picnic July 28, New post with Poll
  128. July Membership Meeting Agenda
  129. Thank You-MGO picnic 2012
  130. August BoD Meeting 08/12/2012
  131. How to volunteer to help at an MGO event
  132. Friends of the NRA Banquet 2013
  133. October BoD Meeting & Memorial Shoot
  134. Agenda for October 27, 2012 BOD Meeting
  135. Benefit4Kids Winter Banquet Drawing-Winners List
  136. Agenda for BOD Meeting 12/8/2012
  137. Benefit4Kids Winter Banquet
  138. MGO Holiday fun shoot Friday December 28 at the Firingline, in Westland
  139. Outdoorama 2013
  140. 2013 Ultimate Sports Show Grand Rapids-Canceled
  141. February 2013 BoD Meeting/Fun Shoot
  142. March is this Saturday at the Capitol!!! January 19th!!!
  143. MGO Calender feature
  144. 2A March March 20, Lansing Capitol Major call for help!!
  145. Michigan Coalition March and Assembly at the Capital
  147. Agenda for Feb. 2013 BOD Meeting and Fun Shoot
  148. East Michigan MGO Meet -N-Greet, Shelby Twp. 3/9/2013
  149. West Michigan Meet -N- Greet, Wyoming, MI 3/9/2013
  150. Board of Directors meeting & Fun Shoot, April 27
  151. Dansville State Game Area clean up 05/05/2013
  152. MGO Newsletter
  153. MGO / MOC / MCRGO Coalition Picnic, Kensington Metropark, THIS SATURDAY.
  154. MGO/MCRGO/MOC BBQ in Ingham County July 20th
  155. MGO BOD Election, Member's Meeting & Picnic July 27
  156. Board of Directors June Meeting @ Cabela's Dundee
  157. MGO July 27, Picnic poll & update-Please read post before voting.
  158. MOC/MGO/MCRGO 2nd Amendment BBQ in Grayling, MI
  159. Dominate the Fight Competition
  160. FREE New Shooter Clinic, Howell, MI August 25th!!!
  161. FREE West Side Shooting Clinics
  162. Woods-n-Water East Sept. 6,7,8 2013 -Updates
  163. Woods-n-Water West, Outdoor Weekend- Kalamazoo,Sept. 20,21,22 Updates
  164. MGO RSO Class in Novi
  165. Gun Fair & Lobby Day, State Capitol, Lansing, MI, October 9,
  166. August BoD Meeting August 17th at 4pm
  167. MGO/MCRGO/MOC West Side Picnic!!! Sept 28
  168. MOC/MGO/MCRGO Belleville Picnic Sept 21!!!
  169. October's Board of Directors Meeting
  170. Novi Gun & Knife Show- December 21 & 22
  171. Holiday Fun Shoot
  172. NOTICE to Volunteers -GOY entries & options
  173. Holiday Fun Shoot attendance poll-Update
  174. December BoD Meeting
  175. MGO Supports B4K with Youth Firearms & Paid Member Raffle
  176. The MGO Gun of 2014
  177. February 2014 Board Meeting
  178. MGO Pure Michigan Hunt Donation
  179. April BOD Meeting
  180. Outdoorama 2014- Discount coupon added
  181. Novi Gun & Knife Show Feb 22 & 23
  182. Michigan 2A March- April 29, 2014
  183. Novi Gun & Knife Show April 18th & 19th
  184. Shiawassee Gun and Knife Show
  185. MGO Meet & Greet in Westland March 4th
  186. MGO, MOC, & MCRGO Joint Picnic 2014 Schedule
  187. June 2014 Board of Directors Meeting
  188. April 29 2A March car pool thread
  189. East side Meet & Greet June 4th 6:30pm
  190. MGO Annual members meeting and BOD elections July 26, Post 46
  191. MGO BOD meeting June 7th Firingline in Westland
  192. Meet & Greet- August??
  193. Woods-n-Water September 5,6,7, 2014 Imlay City
  194. Novi Gun show volunteer thread
  195. Polo shirt for booth /event workers.
  196. BOD meeting August 23, Novi Gander Mountain
  197. BoD Meeting & Fun Shoot October 18, 3pm. Westland
  198. 2015 Second Amendment March - April 29, Lansing MI
  199. Big 3 MGO, MOC & MCRGO Picnic, Bay City, October 4, sponsored by MGO
  200. MGO Meet & Greet, Wyoming, MI November 22 ( South of Grand Rapids Area )
  201. Project Childsafe Presentation- January 10, 2015 2pm
  202. BoD meeting and Holiday Fun shoot-Gun of the year drawing- Friday Dec. 19 at Firingline in Westland
  203. 2014 MGO volunteers Please read / Shift credit information
  204. Lansing/Mason Gun Show - January and February
  205. East Side Michigan MGO Meet -N-Greet, Shelby Twp. 1-29-2015
  206. Novi Gun Show volunteer thread- 2015 season
  207. Outdoorama! Feb. 26, 27, 28, Mar.1, 2015 Novi, MI -- Volunteers needed
  208. Attention Golfers- Michigan Gun Owners Benefit Golf Outing for the Benefit for Kids.
  209. Benefit for Kids Banquet - Reminder to ticket holders it is this Saturday !!
  210. Project Childsafe Presentation- Sunday March 29, 2015 1:00pm - Cancelled
  211. Volunteers Needed For Lansing Mason Gun Show Apr 10 - 12
  212. Michigan Gun Owners/Michigan Open Carry Joint Picnic- Traverse City Area
  213. Meet & Greet in Canton, Thursday April 2nd, 7pm
  214. Board of Directors meeting, Wyoming MI Saturday 4/25 at 2pm
  215. Pilot Handgun Maintenance Class
  216. Birch Run Gun Show 8/1 & 8/2 (saturday & sunday)
  217. MGO Annual members meeting and BOD elections July 25, 2015 Post 46
  218. Michigan Gun Owners and Michigan Open Carry Picnic June 20th, Midland
  219. Michigan Gun Owners/Michigan Open Carry Joint Picnic Kensington MetroPark Milford
  220. Board of Directors meeting & fun shoot June 27, Taylor
  221. MGO/MOC West Side Joint Picnic Saturday 9/26/2015
  222. Woods & Water Weekend September 11~13,2015
  223. MGO/MOC Joint Lunch with a special guest
  224. Project Childsafe Class - Jordan Missionary Baptist Church- August 8th, time 1 PM
  225. August 22, MGO Board of Directors meeting Utica, MI Gander Mountian
  226. October BOD meeting, Taylor Gander Mountain 10-10-15
  227. December BOD meeting & Holiday fun shoot 12-18-2015
  228. MGO/MOC Joint Dinner- Sept 22nd 630-830pm- Franks Restaurant Ann Arbor
  229. MGO/MOC A2 JOINT Pizza in the Park 630-830pm- Gallup Park Shelter Ann Arbor
  230. MGO @ Birch Run Women's Expo October 24th & 25th
  231. MGO at the Birch Run Gun Show 2016
  232. Public Service Announcement #2
  233. Michigan Gun Owners Raffle- Glock 19, Gen 4
  234. BOD meeting 2pm, April 9, Davision + M&P Gun drawing
  235. Outdoorama 2016 Novi
  236. 2016 Second Amendment March- April 13th (Wednesday)
  237. 2016 Volunteer Show Thread
  238. After 2A March /Lunch Dinner 2016
  239. Board of Directors meeting / Glock raffle drawing Feb. 20th Novi Gander Mountain
  240. NRA Day's at Cabela's Feb. 13,14-2016 Volunteers needed to cover the table.
  241. MGO/MOC Members Meeting w/ Rep Jon Hoadley- Kalamazoo April 4th 530pm-700pm
  242. Armed Forces Day Breakfast hosted by Greg O'Neill - Howell, MI, Saturday 5/21/16 @9:30AM
  243. BOD meeting June 4th, Gander Mountian Novi- Update- time change
  244. MGO - MOC 2016 Joint Picnic schedule
  245. MGO Annual members meeting and BOD elections July 30, 2016 Post 46
  246. Woods & Water Weekend September 9~11 , 2016
  247. October BOD meting & Fun shoot 10-29-2016
  248. MGO RSO Class 11-12-2016 Novi, MI
  249. December BoD Meeting & Holiday Fun Shoot 12-16-2016 Firingline, Westland
  250. MGO volunteer's from 2016 please read this post