- Join Michigan Gun Owners
- firing line shoot
- Dinner March 24th
- Traditional Polish Dinners at the Copper Pickle
- MGO Annual Picnic
- Picnic Menu
- MGO Caboodle Shoot @ CCRC
- Civil War Muster August 26 Jackson, MI
- Mgo Shotgun Shoot 9/23/2006
- Breakfast at The Bomber
- MGO EC Meeting October 12 7PM
- Mgo Holiday Fun Shoot
- MGO EC Meeting December 8th
- MGO EC Meeting February 9th 6:00PM
- MGO EC Meeting April 21st 4:00PM
- June 22nd EC meeting.
- MGO Annual Meeting/Picnic
- Aug. 24 EC meeting
- Will MGO be participating?
- MGO Oct. Board meeting ***** NEW DATE *****
- Holiday Fun Shoot
- Scholarship Hunt
- Outdoorama
- MGO Executive Committee Meeting: May 16, 6:30PM
- Annual Meeting
- Head count
- Next EC meeting
- John Johnson Memorial Event
- Benefit for Kids (B4K)
- Annual Fun Shoot at Firing Line
- Outdoorama
- EC Meeting Dates Set through August 2009
- Fun Shoot at Advance Ranges, Burton
- MGO Shotgun Day at Island Lake - 4-26-2009
- Benefit Shoot at Island Lake
- Official MGO Mid-Michigan Shoot
- Fun Shoot at Advance Ranges Part 2
- EC Meeting April 17 Is postponed
- EC Meeting April 24, 2009
- MGO Memorial Shoot
- EC Meeting June 19, 2009
- 14th Annual Saginaw Bay Waterfowl Festival
- 2009 MGO FNRA Banquet
- Woods and Water Event 2009
- EC Meeting August 21, 2009
- 2009 MGO Events
- **CANCELED** MGO Charity Motorcycle run
- 2009 - 2010 MGO Meeting Dates
- Calendar updated
- February Meeting
- 2009 MGO FNRA Banquet (Added)
- Copper Pickle Polish Dinner - ~CANCELLED!~
- 2nd Annual MGO Memorial Shoot - Oct. 10th
- First Annual MGO FNRA Banquet - Oct 9th
- EC Meeting Friday, Oct. 16, 2009
- Memorial Shoot Pics Posted in the Gallery
- October 16, 2009 EC Meeting Agenda
- February Meeting Reminder
- Dec. 18th EC Meeting/Christmas Potluck dinner
- Firing Line Fun Shoot - Dec. 26th 2009
- December 18, 2009 Proposed Agenda
- Outdoorama 2010 2/25 thru 2/28
- B4K Tickets for Sale
- Work For Dues Program
- March Fun Shoot
- FNRA Dinner-Tickets available in the MGO Store!!!
- Proposed Agenda for Feb. 20 Meetings
- Second Amendment March in April
- Ultimate Round Count
- MGO Urges 2A March Support
- Tentative Agenda for April 2010 BofD Meeting
- 2010 Annual Meeting & Election
- Picnic Attendance Poll
- Upcoming Events
- Memorial Shoot Attendance
- 2010 Annual Meeting & Election --UPDATE
- Woods-N-Water Outdoor Weekend 9/10-9/12-Volunteers Needed!!!
- BOD Meeting Dates Through July 2011 Tentative
- Tentative Agenda for Oct. 9 BOD Meeting
- MGO Booth at Tea Party political rally - Oct 23
- December 2010 Directors Meeting and Holiday Potluck
- MGO Holiday Fun Shoot - January 7
- Deer & Turkey Expo in Lansing
- B4K Event January 29th, 2011
- Feb BoD/Membership Meeting/Fun Shoot
- CMP Volunteer Online for Eastern Matches
- MGO Challenge
- MGO & Michigan Open Carry Charity Fundraiser
- MGO needs help-Ultimate Sport Show Grand Rapids
- MGO Spring Fun Shoot - March 12
- Annual FNRA Banquet (2011)
- BOD Meeting April 15, 2011
- MGO annual meeting
- MGO Annual Members Meeting and Elections (2011)
- MGO needs help-Michigan Sportsman's Expo, Clare MI
- MGO June BoD mtg.
- Aug Fun shoot
- Membership ID Card
- Woods-N-Water Volunteers needed!!! 9/9 to 9/11
- BOD Meeting Dates - Tentative
- October Fun Shoot CQT Shelby Twp. MI
- October 22, 2011 Memorial Shoot @ HGC
- December 10th Meeting and Fun Shoot-Flint
- February Board Meeting and Fun Shoot
- B4K Banquet
- 2012 Outdoorama call for volunteers!
- B4 kids meets the challenge.
- 2012 Ultimate Sports Show Grand Rapids call for volunteers!
- Fun Shoot Advanced Ranges, Burton MI
- CQT 1 year anniversary open house, Call for Volunteers
- April BoD Meeting and Free Fun Shoot
- Constitutional Carry Rally in Lansing May, 19
- June BoD Mtg.
- MGO annual members meeting, Please read new thread
- Woods & Water Outdoor weekend Sept 7-9-2012 booth workers needed
- MGO annual members meeting, BOD elections and picnic July 28, New post with Poll
- July Membership Meeting Agenda
- Thank You-MGO picnic 2012
- August BoD Meeting 08/12/2012
- How to volunteer to help at an MGO event
- Friends of the NRA Banquet 2013
- October BoD Meeting & Memorial Shoot
- Agenda for October 27, 2012 BOD Meeting
- Benefit4Kids Winter Banquet Drawing-Winners List
- Agenda for BOD Meeting 12/8/2012
- Benefit4Kids Winter Banquet
- MGO Holiday fun shoot Friday December 28 at the Firingline, in Westland
- Outdoorama 2013
- 2013 Ultimate Sports Show Grand Rapids-Canceled
- February 2013 BoD Meeting/Fun Shoot
- March is this Saturday at the Capitol!!! January 19th!!!
- MGO Calender feature
- 2A March March 20, Lansing Capitol Major call for help!!
- Michigan Coalition March and Assembly at the Capital
- Agenda for Feb. 2013 BOD Meeting and Fun Shoot
- East Michigan MGO Meet -N-Greet, Shelby Twp. 3/9/2013
- West Michigan Meet -N- Greet, Wyoming, MI 3/9/2013
- Board of Directors meeting & Fun Shoot, April 27
- Dansville State Game Area clean up 05/05/2013
- MGO Newsletter
- MGO / MOC / MCRGO Coalition Picnic, Kensington Metropark, THIS SATURDAY.
- MGO/MCRGO/MOC BBQ in Ingham County July 20th
- MGO BOD Election, Member's Meeting & Picnic July 27
- Board of Directors June Meeting @ Cabela's Dundee
- MGO July 27, Picnic poll & update-Please read post before voting.
- MOC/MGO/MCRGO 2nd Amendment BBQ in Grayling, MI
- Dominate the Fight Competition
- FREE New Shooter Clinic, Howell, MI August 25th!!!
- FREE West Side Shooting Clinics
- Woods-n-Water East Sept. 6,7,8 2013 -Updates
- Woods-n-Water West, Outdoor Weekend- Kalamazoo,Sept. 20,21,22 Updates
- MGO RSO Class in Novi
- Gun Fair & Lobby Day, State Capitol, Lansing, MI, October 9,
- August BoD Meeting August 17th at 4pm
- MGO/MCRGO/MOC West Side Picnic!!! Sept 28
- MOC/MGO/MCRGO Belleville Picnic Sept 21!!!
- October's Board of Directors Meeting
- Novi Gun & Knife Show- December 21 & 22
- Holiday Fun Shoot
- NOTICE to Volunteers -GOY entries & options
- Holiday Fun Shoot attendance poll-Update
- December BoD Meeting
- MGO Supports B4K with Youth Firearms & Paid Member Raffle
- The MGO Gun of 2014
- February 2014 Board Meeting
- MGO Pure Michigan Hunt Donation
- April BOD Meeting
- Outdoorama 2014- Discount coupon added
- Novi Gun & Knife Show Feb 22 & 23
- Michigan 2A March- April 29, 2014
- Novi Gun & Knife Show April 18th & 19th
- Shiawassee Gun and Knife Show
- MGO Meet & Greet in Westland March 4th
- MGO, MOC, & MCRGO Joint Picnic 2014 Schedule
- June 2014 Board of Directors Meeting
- April 29 2A March car pool thread
- East side Meet & Greet June 4th 6:30pm
- MGO Annual members meeting and BOD elections July 26, Post 46
- MGO BOD meeting June 7th Firingline in Westland
- Meet & Greet- August??
- Woods-n-Water September 5,6,7, 2014 Imlay City
- Novi Gun show volunteer thread
- Polo shirt for booth /event workers.
- BOD meeting August 23, Novi Gander Mountain
- BoD Meeting & Fun Shoot October 18, 3pm. Westland
- 2015 Second Amendment March - April 29, Lansing MI
- Big 3 MGO, MOC & MCRGO Picnic, Bay City, October 4, sponsored by MGO
- MGO Meet & Greet, Wyoming, MI November 22 ( South of Grand Rapids Area )
- Project Childsafe Presentation- January 10, 2015 2pm
- BoD meeting and Holiday Fun shoot-Gun of the year drawing- Friday Dec. 19 at Firingline in Westland
- 2014 MGO volunteers Please read / Shift credit information
- Lansing/Mason Gun Show - January and February
- East Side Michigan MGO Meet -N-Greet, Shelby Twp. 1-29-2015
- Novi Gun Show volunteer thread- 2015 season
- Outdoorama! Feb. 26, 27, 28, Mar.1, 2015 Novi, MI -- Volunteers needed
- Attention Golfers- Michigan Gun Owners Benefit Golf Outing for the Benefit for Kids.
- Benefit for Kids Banquet - Reminder to ticket holders it is this Saturday !!
- Project Childsafe Presentation- Sunday March 29, 2015 1:00pm - Cancelled
- Volunteers Needed For Lansing Mason Gun Show Apr 10 - 12
- Michigan Gun Owners/Michigan Open Carry Joint Picnic- Traverse City Area
- Meet & Greet in Canton, Thursday April 2nd, 7pm
- Board of Directors meeting, Wyoming MI Saturday 4/25 at 2pm
- Pilot Handgun Maintenance Class
- Birch Run Gun Show 8/1 & 8/2 (saturday & sunday)
- MGO Annual members meeting and BOD elections July 25, 2015 Post 46
- Michigan Gun Owners and Michigan Open Carry Picnic June 20th, Midland
- Michigan Gun Owners/Michigan Open Carry Joint Picnic Kensington MetroPark Milford
- Board of Directors meeting & fun shoot June 27, Taylor
- MGO/MOC West Side Joint Picnic Saturday 9/26/2015
- Woods & Water Weekend September 11~13,2015
- MGO/MOC Joint Lunch with a special guest
- Project Childsafe Class - Jordan Missionary Baptist Church- August 8th, time 1 PM
- August 22, MGO Board of Directors meeting Utica, MI Gander Mountian
- October BOD meeting, Taylor Gander Mountain 10-10-15
- December BOD meeting & Holiday fun shoot 12-18-2015
- MGO/MOC Joint Dinner- Sept 22nd 630-830pm- Franks Restaurant Ann Arbor
- MGO/MOC A2 JOINT Pizza in the Park 630-830pm- Gallup Park Shelter Ann Arbor
- MGO @ Birch Run Women's Expo October 24th & 25th
- MGO at the Birch Run Gun Show 2016
- Public Service Announcement #2
- Michigan Gun Owners Raffle- Glock 19, Gen 4
- BOD meeting 2pm, April 9, Davision + M&P Gun drawing
- Outdoorama 2016 Novi
- 2016 Second Amendment March- April 13th (Wednesday)
- 2016 Volunteer Show Thread
- After 2A March /Lunch Dinner 2016
- Board of Directors meeting / Glock raffle drawing Feb. 20th Novi Gander Mountain
- NRA Day's at Cabela's Feb. 13,14-2016 Volunteers needed to cover the table.
- MGO/MOC Members Meeting w/ Rep Jon Hoadley- Kalamazoo April 4th 530pm-700pm
- Armed Forces Day Breakfast hosted by Greg O'Neill - Howell, MI, Saturday 5/21/16 @9:30AM
- BOD meeting June 4th, Gander Mountian Novi- Update- time change
- MGO - MOC 2016 Joint Picnic schedule
- MGO Annual members meeting and BOD elections July 30, 2016 Post 46
- Woods & Water Weekend September 9~11 , 2016
- October BOD meting & Fun shoot 10-29-2016
- MGO RSO Class 11-12-2016 Novi, MI
- December BoD Meeting & Holiday Fun Shoot 12-16-2016 Firingline, Westland
- MGO volunteer's from 2016 please read this post