View Full Version : Hunting Education

  1. 1st to post......somewhere!
  2. minimum distance to hunt from an occupied dwelling?
  3. racoon
  4. Know of a one day hunter safety class?
  5. 2nd Buck Tag
  6. Never owned a rifle or shotgun always used friends
  7. Let me borrow your hunting license
  8. Tanning a deer hide???????
  9. MIchigan buck stolen!!
  10. Hunters Safety Course
  11. Hunters Safety Education, Hunting and minimum age
  12. Goose Hunters????
  13. Hunter's Ed
  14. Special antlerless season
  15. Sept. 27
  16. Newbie here
  17. What gun is most useful?
  18. Hunters Orange changes coming for crossbow and blinds
  19. Hunter Safety Course Instruction
  20. rifle hunting???
  21. Hunters Ed Instructor - Home Study
  22. Rifles in Livingston County.
  23. A question to all rabbit hunters!
  24. Age for hunters saftey?
  25. Need Instructor for Field Day ONLY SW MI
  26. Need hunters saftety this week....
  27. FYI: The "TRUTH" about No Hunting/Harvesting Game Before The First Frost
  28. Shining while carrying...legal?
  29. 'tis the season.......
  30. Strong Anti-Gun Owner and Hunter safety
  31. Hunting on Sundays
  32. Hunters Saftey Question
  33. Lost Hunters Safety Card
  34. Hunter Safety Course
  35. How old ????
  36. Deer baiting Yes or NO?
  37. Training hunting dogs?
  38. rifle... quick pool: what caliber & why?
  39. Hunting with a MP-15 .223 (5.56 NATO)
  40. Hunting for the 1st time...
  41. firearms for deer
  42. hunter orange
  43. Tracking Wounded Dear
  44. Seeking advise
  45. Fishing ?
  46. What about bears?
  47. Hunter Education at LCSC
  48. rifles in zone 3?
  49. Took Hunter's Ed Later in Life
  50. Coyote Hunting 17HMR
  51. Flash lights and Lasers Zone 3
  52. Hunters Safty Class
  53. antlerless permits
  54. hunter safety
  55. Wild pigs
  56. mossberg 20 ga
  57. Duck hunting Shotgun under $1,000?
  58. Instructors for field day part of hunters safety
  59. Do I need a hunting license to get rid of coyotes or woodchucks?
  60. hunters ed (downriver)
  61. Difficult Michigan Hunting Rules (amended from Tree Stand)
  62. Hunting liscenses
  63. question on youth deer hunters ?
  64. Hunter Safety Classes.
  66. cost friendly slug gun?
  67. carrying concealed while bow hunting . . .
  68. Deer Tags - Combo?
  69. Plugged magazines
  70. Take the survey
  71. magazine capacity
  72. Question about Tags
  73. Posessing two firearms during firearm season
  74. Hunting near a roadway on state / public land
  75. HS classes in Ypsilanti, January 14 & 15, 2011
  76. Mid-Michigan Huunters Safey Class
  77. Where can i Feral pig hunt?
  78. first time rifle recommendation
  79. Spring Turkey
  80. Coyote hunting regulations on private land
  81. Recreation 101
  82. Bugs
  83. Rules for deer hunting
  84. Michigan bill would allow younger children to hunt
  85. what streight wall cartridge?
  86. Can You Recommend A Game Feeder
  87. Thermocell (Do they work?) Pros / Cons
  88. Upcoming Hunter Safety Classes?
  89. Goose/duck hunting
  90. Hide in pickup bed prohibited for coyote hunting on private land ?
  91. When does one have to wear hunter orange ?
  92. !!!FREE junior hunting license!!!
  93. Getting started in coyote hunting
  94. Holland (ottawa county) class
  95. Hunter Safety Class Saturday and Sunday
  96. Looking to buy my 1st compound Bow
  97. Retrieve lost hunter's safety certification
  98. hunters safety course
  99. Need some help
  100. Change opening day to 2nd saturday in november
  101. Screw-in foot pegs
  102. Hunting spots in Oscoda county.
  103. Using a farm vehicle as cover when shooting coyotes ??
  104. Applying for a permit to night hunt predators with centerfire rifle ?
  105. Handgun hunting laws for non-residents
  106. Coyote Hunting and Feral Swine Hunting
  107. Declining hunting licenses spurs state to create incentives to recruit younger hunter
  108. Hunting with a 300 WSM
  109. How much weight is lost in processing deer?
  110. Hunters use caution!!!
  111. Handgun capacity questions
  112. Hunters Safety Course in Holland?
  113. On what date am I allowed back in the field with rifle ?
  114. Small game question
  115. Hunter Safety Course
  116. Explain hunting ranches and exotics hunts to me, please.
  117. Do you instructors use props in your HS Class?
  118. Hunter safety course and instructor cert
  119. Huntin' with a Sharps
  120. Prepped the skull from my first recovered Coyote
  121. Newbie to hunting
  122. Elk heard in MI
  123. coon hunters out there
  124. Questions on Crossbow broad heads
  125. Turkey Hunting
  126. Non Resident?
  127. Coyote with centerfire rifle Lyon Twp...
  128. Hunter Safety Class at Woods and Water
  129. Hunter Safety Education Class
  130. Ar magazine capacity for coyote
  131. Age to introduce kid to shooting
  132. general hunting question
  133. Straight walled rifles in shotgun zone bill passed
  134. Red Dot for whitetail?
  135. Mossberg 500 sabots for hunting
  136. What distance is a 30-30 effective to?
  137. First deer hunting rifle help!!!!
  138. lapeer county
  139. Antlerless deer license purchase limits decreased due to EHD concer
  140. In need of Hunting info.
  141. Small game
  142. Mentored Youth Hunting
  143. Any hunter safety coarses in S/E Mi in the next month or two
  144. New hunter, looking for someone to teach me the basics.
  145. Hunter Safety Class
  146. Coyote hunting
  147. Wild Boar Hunting?
  148. crow hunting
  149. Feral Swine Math Lesson
  150. Hunter's Ed (field portion) NOT on a weekend?
  151. MGO needs a DNR Hunter Safety Instructor.
  152. Hunters safety information wanted
  153. bow hunting
  154. Mentored youth hunt:
  155. coyote's near cadillac
  156. How To Start Hunting
  157. Mentored Hunter ?
  158. Apprentice hunting
  159. Hunter's Safety Course
  160. i completed hunters safety course when i was 12, lost paperwork
  161. Taking animals in cities and towns
  162. Never been hunting, where to start?
  163. Field portion of hunter safety class
  164. Looking for a good hunters safety course
  165. Anyone have experience with MI youth mentor hunting program?
  166. Hunter Safety Courses at LCSA in Brighton - April / May
  167. Hunters Safety Course
  168. Hunter Safety Course at WWCCA
  169. Handgun ammo in rifles for hunting
  170. Next Hunter Safety Class at LCSA April 12-13
  171. HSC Instructors
  172. pistol carbine
  173. Free Youth License
  175. Rifle Hunting in Limited Firearm Deer Zone (DISCREPANCY)
  176. Worms on or in a duck?
  177. Feed may be no more than 100 yards from from a residence... Why is this???
  178. Learn about hunting in Mi?
  179. Rights when subtribe threatens to interrupt you hunting.
  180. help with trapping equipment.
  181. Caliber Debate Formula
  182. Tanning Rabbit Pelts
  183. 2015 Hunter Safety Classes for LC&SA
  184. bobcat
  185. What would do this?
  186. nice category
  187. cut the chase
  188. Looking for a hunters safety field day class in northern wayne or Macomb county
  189. Hunter Safety for Son
  190. Looking for hunter safety class in Washington
  191. Hunter Safety Classes at, Chelsea Rod and Gun Club.
  192. hunting on Wildlife/Game areas?
  193. Looking for Hunter Safety feild day class
  194. Hunter Education
  195. Hunting in area 122?
  196. Take note of how wolves behave when they intend to kill
  197. Climbing Tree Stand
  198. hunter stove
  199. Advice about out of state bow hunting
  200. Approved Rifle calibers for southern lower peninsula
  201. Turkey shotgun
  202. .308 Win hunting ammo for 16-18" rifles
  203. Feral Hog Hunting
  204. Dup
  205. New Limited Firearm Deer Zone in Michigan
  206. SBR Pistol in Shotgun zone?
  207. Help Please
  208. Looking for hunter safety class for son in Monroe or Wayne county
  209. Long ago I was in the apprentice program to be a hunters safety teacher
  210. MI Combo Deer Tag
  211. Curious about field day class
  212. In Need of a Hunter Safety Class in Clinton Township !!!
  213. Free Junior Hunting Licenses
  214. Pests vs Hunting vs Responsibility.
  215. Can my mentored youth buy an additional antlerless deer tag?
  216. Hunter safety course in the trenton area
  217. where to get hunting education and license
  218. Coyotes at Night
  219. Groundhog hunting
  220. Treestands
  221. First time out with my son
  222. Hunting with an AR
  223. Question regarding hunter safety course.
  224. youth mentored licenses
  225. Hunter safety class
  226. A hunter was gored by the deer he thought he shot and killed
  227. Finishing a deer with a pistol
  228. Hunting in Lennox
  229. Bow and Arrow
  230. New-B Nausea
  231. White Hot Pellets safe in ANY black powder rifle?
  232. Hunter Safety Classes
  233. Tips for Desert Mule Deer/West Texas Mule Deer
  234. Getting into hunting shape
  235. Hunting rifle feedback
  236. Decent NRA first time class for friends kids as a intro
  237. New to hunting!
  238. Figuring out calibers
  239. What’s the best way to find a hunting lease?
  240. Berrien County instructor around?
  241. HOG HUNT
  242. New to hunting
  243. New To Hunting
  244. Feral Swine
  245. Hunter Safety Class In West MI
  246. recommended things to read or learn for white tail hunting
  247. found
  248. DSC Hunter's Education class 9/21 & 9/22
  249. 2024 Michigan Public Land Pheasant Hunting Workshop Extravaganza