View Full Version : Hunting Education
- 1st to post......somewhere!
- minimum distance to hunt from an occupied dwelling?
- racoon
- Know of a one day hunter safety class?
- 2nd Buck Tag
- Never owned a rifle or shotgun always used friends
- Let me borrow your hunting license
- Tanning a deer hide???????
- MIchigan buck stolen!!
- Hunters Safety Course
- Hunters Safety Education, Hunting and minimum age
- Goose Hunters????
- Hunter's Ed
- Special antlerless season
- Sept. 27
- Newbie here
- What gun is most useful?
- Hunters Orange changes coming for crossbow and blinds
- Hunter Safety Course Instruction
- rifle hunting???
- Hunters Ed Instructor - Home Study
- Rifles in Livingston County.
- A question to all rabbit hunters!
- Age for hunters saftey?
- Need Instructor for Field Day ONLY SW MI
- Need hunters saftety this week....
- FYI: The "TRUTH" about No Hunting/Harvesting Game Before The First Frost
- Shining while
- 'tis the season.......
- Strong Anti-Gun Owner and Hunter safety
- Hunting on Sundays
- Hunters Saftey Question
- Lost Hunters Safety Card
- Hunter Safety Course
- How old ????
- Deer baiting Yes or NO?
- Training hunting dogs?
- rifle... quick pool: what caliber & why?
- Hunting with a MP-15 .223 (5.56 NATO)
- Hunting for the 1st time...
- firearms for deer
- hunter orange
- Tracking Wounded Dear
- Seeking advise
- Fishing ?
- What about bears?
- Hunter Education at LCSC
- rifles in zone 3?
- Took Hunter's Ed Later in Life
- Coyote Hunting 17HMR
- Flash lights and Lasers Zone 3
- Hunters Safty Class
- antlerless permits
- hunter safety
- Wild pigs
- mossberg 20 ga
- Duck hunting Shotgun under $1,000?
- Instructors for field day part of hunters safety
- Do I need a hunting license to get rid of coyotes or woodchucks?
- hunters ed (downriver)
- Difficult Michigan Hunting Rules (amended from Tree Stand)
- Hunting liscenses
- question on youth deer hunters ?
- Hunter Safety Classes.
- cost friendly slug gun?
- carrying concealed while bow hunting . . .
- Deer Tags - Combo?
- Plugged magazines
- Take the survey
- magazine capacity
- Question about Tags
- Posessing two firearms during firearm season
- Hunting near a roadway on state / public land
- HS classes in Ypsilanti, January 14 & 15, 2011
- Mid-Michigan Huunters Safey Class
- Where can i Feral pig hunt?
- first time rifle recommendation
- Spring Turkey
- Coyote hunting regulations on private land
- Recreation 101
- Bugs
- Rules for deer hunting
- Michigan bill would allow younger children to hunt
- what streight wall cartridge?
- Can You Recommend A Game Feeder
- Thermocell (Do they work?) Pros / Cons
- Upcoming Hunter Safety Classes?
- Goose/duck hunting
- Hide in pickup bed prohibited for coyote hunting on private land ?
- When does one have to wear hunter orange ?
- !!!FREE junior hunting license!!!
- Getting started in coyote hunting
- Holland (ottawa county) class
- Hunter Safety Class Saturday and Sunday
- Looking to buy my 1st compound Bow
- Retrieve lost hunter's safety certification
- hunters safety course
- Need some help
- Change opening day to 2nd saturday in november
- Screw-in foot pegs
- Hunting spots in Oscoda county.
- Using a farm vehicle as cover when shooting coyotes ??
- Applying for a permit to night hunt predators with centerfire rifle ?
- Handgun hunting laws for non-residents
- Coyote Hunting and Feral Swine Hunting
- Declining hunting licenses spurs state to create incentives to recruit younger hunter
- Hunting with a 300 WSM
- How much weight is lost in processing deer?
- Hunters use caution!!!
- Handgun capacity questions
- Hunters Safety Course in Holland?
- On what date am I allowed back in the field with rifle ?
- Small game question
- Hunter Safety Course
- Explain hunting ranches and exotics hunts to me, please.
- Do you instructors use props in your HS Class?
- Hunter safety course and instructor cert
- Huntin' with a Sharps
- Prepped the skull from my first recovered Coyote
- Newbie to hunting
- Elk heard in MI
- coon hunters out there
- Questions on Crossbow broad heads
- Turkey Hunting
- Non Resident?
- Coyote with centerfire rifle Lyon Twp...
- Hunter Safety Class at Woods and Water
- Hunter Safety Education Class
- Ar magazine capacity for coyote
- Age to introduce kid to shooting
- general hunting question
- Straight walled rifles in shotgun zone bill passed
- Red Dot for whitetail?
- Mossberg 500 sabots for hunting
- What distance is a 30-30 effective to?
- First deer hunting rifle help!!!!
- lapeer county
- Antlerless deer license purchase limits decreased due to EHD concer
- In need of Hunting info.
- Small game
- Mentored Youth Hunting
- Any hunter safety coarses in S/E Mi in the next month or two
- New hunter, looking for someone to teach me the basics.
- Hunter Safety Class
- Coyote hunting
- Wild Boar Hunting?
- crow hunting
- Feral Swine Math Lesson
- Hunter's Ed (field portion) NOT on a weekend?
- MGO needs a DNR Hunter Safety Instructor.
- Hunters safety information wanted
- bow hunting
- Mentored youth hunt:
- coyote's near cadillac
- How To Start Hunting
- Mentored Hunter ?
- Apprentice hunting
- Hunter's Safety Course
- i completed hunters safety course when i was 12, lost paperwork
- Taking animals in cities and towns
- Never been hunting, where to start?
- Field portion of hunter safety class
- Looking for a good hunters safety course
- Anyone have experience with MI youth mentor hunting program?
- Hunter Safety Courses at LCSA in Brighton - April / May
- Hunters Safety Course
- Hunter Safety Course at WWCCA
- Handgun ammo in rifles for hunting
- Next Hunter Safety Class at LCSA April 12-13
- HSC Instructors
- pistol carbine
- Free Youth License
- Rifle Hunting in Limited Firearm Deer Zone (DISCREPANCY)
- Worms on or in a duck?
- Feed may be no more than 100 yards from from a residence... Why is this???
- Learn about hunting in Mi?
- Rights when subtribe threatens to interrupt you hunting.
- help with trapping equipment.
- Caliber Debate Formula
- Tanning Rabbit Pelts
- 2015 Hunter Safety Classes for LC&SA
- bobcat
- What would do this?
- nice category
- cut the chase
- Looking for a hunters safety field day class in northern wayne or Macomb county
- Hunter Safety for Son
- Looking for hunter safety class in Washington
- Hunter Safety Classes at, Chelsea Rod and Gun Club.
- hunting on Wildlife/Game areas?
- Looking for Hunter Safety feild day class
- Hunter Education
- Hunting in area 122?
- Take note of how wolves behave when they intend to kill
- Climbing Tree Stand
- hunter stove
- Advice about out of state bow hunting
- Approved Rifle calibers for southern lower peninsula
- Turkey shotgun
- .308 Win hunting ammo for 16-18" rifles
- Feral Hog Hunting
- Dup
- New Limited Firearm Deer Zone in Michigan
- SBR Pistol in Shotgun zone?
- Help Please
- Looking for hunter safety class for son in Monroe or Wayne county
- Long ago I was in the apprentice program to be a hunters safety teacher
- MI Combo Deer Tag
- Curious about field day class
- In Need of a Hunter Safety Class in Clinton Township !!!
- Free Junior Hunting Licenses
- Pests vs Hunting vs Responsibility.
- Can my mentored youth buy an additional antlerless deer tag?
- Hunter safety course in the trenton area
- where to get hunting education and license
- Coyotes at Night
- Groundhog hunting
- Treestands
- First time out with my son
- Hunting with an AR
- Question regarding hunter safety course.
- youth mentored licenses
- Hunter safety class
- A hunter was gored by the deer he thought he shot and killed
- Finishing a deer with a pistol
- Hunting in Lennox
- Bow and Arrow
- New-B Nausea
- White Hot Pellets safe in ANY black powder rifle?
- Hunter Safety Classes
- Tips for Desert Mule Deer/West Texas Mule Deer
- Getting into hunting shape
- Hunting rifle feedback
- Decent NRA first time class for friends kids as a intro
- New to hunting!
- Figuring out calibers
- What’s the best way to find a hunting lease?
- Berrien County instructor around?
- New to hunting
- New To Hunting
- Feral Swine
- Hunter Safety Class In West MI
- recommended things to read or learn for white tail hunting
- found
- DSC Hunter's Education class 9/21 & 9/22
- 2024 Michigan Public Land Pheasant Hunting Workshop Extravaganza
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