View Full Version : Tense moments with a Kirby vacuum salesman

07-19-2003, 07:26 PM
My sponse is a very kind person and her gullibility got us into potential trouble. I was cleaning dishes and my spouse answered a doorbell and next thing I know a Kirby salesman is in my living room. I was out of site and I hear this male voice ask to use the bathroom. My spouse approaches me and states she agreed to answer a few questions and the salesman will get 26$ for filling out the survey even though she told him we a new vacuum cleaner. Boom he's in the door and now in our bathroom! I immediately armed myself after getting to the vault. I returned to the kitchen---still out of view and the salesman exits the bathroom and starts in on a full demo taking the vacuum out of the box and vacuuming this and that. I stayed out out of view and listened carefully letting her see the errors of her way for about 15 minutes and then I hear " I need to show you how much dirt is on your bed mattress---where's the bedroom?" My spouse stumbles at this point and says I thoought you just wanted me to answer questions. I now walk in carrying concealed and state its 9:00 pm and I thankyou for the demo but my spouse has not atre dinner yet and we are not interested-----you need to pack up and leave now. I request my spouse to get herself something to eat and I have her meal in the frig. I get her out of the room---the salesman states that he does not know how to pack the unit back up without help from his manager and he needs to use our phone. I told him I'm sure you can figure it out but you need to leave-----. He tells me he had no transportation and must call his manager to be picked up. I tell him to pack up his stuff and exit the house at which time I will let him use our portable phone at the sidewalk. I again tell him he needs to pack up and leave now. He now yells at me " you don't have to keep telling me to leave----can't you see I'm by myself and it alot of work!" At this point , I'm getting very worried --what kind of fruitcake is this guy and I watch every move he makes ready to draw if neceesary. Right then my 17 yr old arrives at home and throws my attention away.----My child sees my look and asks if everything is ok----------I answer ---your mom needs to talk to you. I got him out of the way but I lost tack of Mr. Kirby for dangerous seconds. The young man sid nothing but huffed and puffedand he took 20 minutes to pack everything up . Without saying a word he exited the door. I then passed a wireless phone to him and he called his "manager" trying to keep my word. He handed the phone back after the call and said nothing and waited at the curb for his ride which showed up 5 minutes later. Obviously I made many mistakes. I locked the door and wnet to the bathroom and everywhere else and did a very close inspection looking for anything ie. bugs----I thought what a way to case a place and leave a 100$ transmitter that will let me know when the place is empty to break into. At least thats a method I would use . Something wasn't right with this encounter I could feel it. My spouse immediatedly apologized and said she must be the bigeest sucker in the world. I asked her did you get frightened when he wouldn't leave? Yes , especailly the bit about the matress pad demo. She learned bigtime and I , I learned too. After reporting the incident and vehicle to the PD they came back and said the salesman was not reistered with the PD which is a free service but they can fine you big time if you don't. Was it a case out or an arse that came very close to big trouble by me? Probably the later. My spouse and I had a good conversation afterwards. I told her that her "goodness" was one of the qualities that attarcted me to her but she can't allow that quality to be used against her and people of no good will exploit this. we both had difficulty sleeping that night. Thanks Steve Fisher and Chris for your training, you helped prepare me on what I did right ----the mistakes were there but lessened by your insight :oops:

07-19-2003, 09:30 PM
Lee, any time you would like me to come and talk to you and your wife together about this let me know, as for you i know you wouldnt have let him in the door? I also understand that your wifes politeness could have been taken for weakness! I'am trully glad you saw the flags when they went up! and were very aware of what could have happened! and more so that you did not have to use your gun! but that you wear ready too! defensive mindset is a beautiful thing ! be safe Lee

07-20-2003, 08:02 AM
I am glad to here everything came out OK!

08-24-2003, 11:30 AM
This is one of those situations where a 90 lb dog comes in handy.

Yeah, he's freindly, but he also stands 30 inches or so at the shoulder and looks half again his weight due to the fluffy fur. We've had salesmen actually back up off the portch when we answer the door.