View Full Version : safety

06-13-2010, 10:12 PM
I'm the education chairperson for an outdoor club in SE MI. Mostly, we are into backpacking, kayaking, mountain climbing type stuff. I want to expand our offerings. Most of our classes are taught by our members.

I have a class proposal for an intro to firearms (history, safety, and some range time) class to be taught by a member. He has lots of experience and I am comfortable with his skills. I have a fair amount of training, active hunter, etc, and am comfortable with my skills, have taught others to shoot, etc.

The board of my club is not comfortable with firearms or anything related. Anybody know where I can find actual data about shooting range safety?

4H and the boy scouts offer shooting sports programs. I would like to do the same.


Tom Fineis
06-13-2010, 10:17 PM
Be sure to check your liability insurance. I know a lot of policies have strict provisions about the use of firearms for organization-related events, and some outright prohibit it.

Consider partnering with the NRA for something like this. They have many programs in place. You can probably find extra liability coverage this route as well, by having an NRA certified instructor on staff. You'll need to explore the fine print, but that would be my recommendation.

06-14-2010, 08:10 PM
Be sure to check your liability insurance. I know a lot of policies have strict provisions about the use of firearms for organization-related events, and some outright prohibit it.

Consider partnering with the NRA for something like this. They have many programs in place. You can probably find extra liability coverage this route as well, by having an NRA certified instructor on staff. You'll need to explore the fine print, but that would be my recommendation.

agreed, get an NRA or equal level instructor to visit your group and hold a class.
it will cost money but they will be certified and insured.

you want a quality experience for your members.

06-14-2010, 08:30 PM
Yes, a qualified and certified instructor should be used. Someone who has some paperwork to show what they know. Doesn't HAVE to be NRA, either.

If you're dealing specifically with safety and history, you can most certainly use air soft or BB guns very effectively. No loud bang, super cheap ammo, and if someone gets shot it doesn't get messy. Probably a LOT easier to pull past the insurance company too.