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  1. #1

    Experiment by Diane Sawyer in college classroom.

    One of my guys in my RSO sent us this. This is a pretty good article on how a certain side of politics (won't have to name the obvious I hope) sets us up to fail. They have to use rigged experiments to prove points that they know are not valid. Here's the proof. Buckeye firearms (Yea, I know. Boo to OSU) is one of Ohio's biggest firearms news sites. Here, Diane Sawyer set up a faux experiment to turn heads against our cause.


  2. #2
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    Per the article, "The shooter was a professional firearm instructor"

    I would like to see this guy outed, then blacklisted for helping the antis.

  3. #3
    I am a Forum User
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    I've seen this one posted a few times.

    Very biased. Both gunmen were experienced LEOs, as well as everyone else in the classroom and they knew where the subject was sitting.

    This was a fail scenario from the get go. I can't believe that they can even pass this off as journalism.

    I remember seeing a full video of the show on YouTube at one time, but can''t seem to find it now.
    Last edited by miked; 04-05-2011 at 02:04 PM.

  4. #4
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    I saw this too, what a crock of *******. My father in law sent this to me and my reply was "is the public really stupid enough to believe this?"

    I later realized that some are.

  5. #5
    I am a Forum User
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    Perhaps some people here at MGO would like to rebut the article with a demonstration with a more likely set of parameters and equipment? I'm sure there are some good candidates/volunteers here that aren't experts, yet are qualified.

  6. #6
    I am a Forum User
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack-w-1911
    Perhaps some people here at MGO would like to rebut the article with a demonstration with a more likely set of parameters and equipment? I'm sure there are some good candidates/volunteers here that aren't experts, yet are qualified.
    Very good idea. This should be explored because their experiment was awful.

  7. #7
    I am a Forum User
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack-w-1911
    Perhaps some people here at MGO would like to rebut the article with a demonstration with a more likely set of parameters and equipment? I'm sure there are some good candidates/volunteers here that aren't experts, yet are qualified.
    ... and have Dianne Sawyer come in as the shooter !

  8. #8
    I am a Forum User
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    Wayne Co.
    Quote Originally Posted by 7.62 Nato
    ... and have Dianne Sawyer come in as the shooter !
    Ha!! I love it.

  9. #9
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    Mar 2009

  10. #10
    I would absolutely love to reconstruct this experiment. I am sure I can get some guys (LEO/and plain Janes) to help out.

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