Gun rights continue trend toward more freedom, not more gun control

By Frank Miniter
Fox News
June 26th. 2018

The number of homicides in the U.S. has fallen precipitously in America over the last half century as the number of firearms in civilian hands has risen. Most murders today occur in the areas with the strictest gun-control laws.

Now a decade after the Heller decision pro-gun laws have swept through many states. A dozen states now even have “constitutional” or “permitless” carry for handguns. There are over 100 million gun owners in America and more than 16 million people have permits to carry concealed handguns (up from about 1 million in the mid-1980s). A recent United Nations’ Small Arms Survey found that American civilians now have 393 million firearms (46 percent of all of the guns in civilian hands in the world).

Clearly more and more Americans are taking their Second Amendment rights into their own hands.

So no, the cultural shift isn’t toward gun control. It is clearly moving toward greater freedom.