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  1. #1
    Account Closed Forum User
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    Renewal 21 Days Online

    Interesting timing as other counties done online were listing numbers like "5 days" etc. My original permit 4 years ago was only 3 days longer done in person with paper. Interesting thing is I applies before the expiration date so I assumed this would make it good for 4 years, but they made the effective date the day it expires and good for 5 years. Nice!

  2. #2
    MGO Member Roundballer's Avatar
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    I/C "Gateway to the Thumb" Lapeer County
    Quote Originally Posted by ninjatoth View Post
    Interesting timing as other counties done online were listing numbers like "5 days" etc. My original permit 4 years ago was only 3 days longer done in person with paper. Interesting thing is I applies before the expiration date so I assumed this would make it good for 4 years, but they made the effective date the day it expires and good for 5 years. Nice!
    They changed the law specifically to address the issue of trying to time a renewal. Except for the first one, all CPLs will be good for the full five years.

    BUT! That is part of the reason that the ATF says that a Michigan CPL no longer valid for a NICS substitute. You have more than a 5 yr interval between NICS checks, and that the MSP might not be using the NICS check as part of the background check, even though the law requires it.

    Life Member, NRA, Lapeer County Sportsmen's Club Disclaimer: I Am Not A Lawyer. Opinions expressed are not representative of any organization to which I may belong, and are solely mine. Any natural person or legal entity reading this post accepts all responsibility for any actions undertaken by that person or entity, based upon what they perceived was contained in this post, and shall hold harmless this poster, his antecedents, and descendants, in perpetuity.

  3. #3
    I am a Forum User
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roundballer View Post
    They changed the law specifically to address the issue of trying to time a renewal. Except for the first one, all CPLs will be good for the full five years.

    BUT! That is part of the reason that the ATF says that a Michigan CPL no longer valid for a NICS substitute. You have more than a 5 yr interval between NICS checks, and that the MSP might not be using the NICS check as part of the background check, even though the law requires it.
    Where did you come up with that one from?

    The 3/3/2020 letter states "specifically" why they rescinded the exemption, and that wasn't it:

    "Specifically, ATF learned that CPLs were and continue to be issued to applicants who were likely prohibited due to a conviction for a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence (18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(9)), and to habitual marijuana users (18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(3))."

    Further: "... habitual marijuana user" information isn't in NICS, that's for sure. And if local municipalities aren't submitting misdemeanor DVs, it would make sense why they are missing.

    Did the MSP automatically disqualify CPL applicants if they have a medical marijuana card? I don't think so. That's what I figured the rescinding of the Brady exemption was (mostly) about (admittedly, I haven't been keeping up with it since the 3/3 letter).
    Last edited by Scoop; 03-19-2020 at 02:04 PM.

  4. #4
    MGO Member Roundballer's Avatar
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    I/C "Gateway to the Thumb" Lapeer County
    Quote Originally Posted by Scoop View Post
    The 3/3/2020 letter states "specifically" why they rescinded the exemption, and that wasn't it:
    I read it in one of the half dozen court brief filings I have nosed through. The BATFE is bunching together everything they can find to justify their actions.

    Notice: I claimed "Part" of the reasons.

    Life Member, NRA, Lapeer County Sportsmen's Club Disclaimer: I Am Not A Lawyer. Opinions expressed are not representative of any organization to which I may belong, and are solely mine. Any natural person or legal entity reading this post accepts all responsibility for any actions undertaken by that person or entity, based upon what they perceived was contained in this post, and shall hold harmless this poster, his antecedents, and descendants, in perpetuity.

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