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  1. #1

    Question on Charlevoix renewal?

    I was told today by the county office since my cpl is from a different county I have to wait until it expires before she can renew it. I don't think this is true. I think she is clueless and was having problems getting it to go through. Does anyone know anything about this? I read if you wait for it to expire you can't carry until the new card arrives. If you renew before it expires, the receipt allows you to carry until the new card arrives.

  2. #2
    MGO Member Roundballer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I/C "Gateway to the Thumb" Lapeer County
    This is the third of the same content.


    Life Member, NRA, Lapeer County Sportsmen's Club Disclaimer: I Am Not A Lawyer. Opinions expressed are not representative of any organization to which I may belong, and are solely mine. Any natural person or legal entity reading this post accepts all responsibility for any actions undertaken by that person or entity, based upon what they perceived was contained in this post, and shall hold harmless this poster, his antecedents, and descendants, in perpetuity.

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