So I just used a service called Tyr Ident to convert paper prints to EFT so I can do my Form 1's moving forward without mailing in the prints.
Scanned my prints in color with the setting at 600 DPI and emailed it off to them.
Had the EFT file back within about 45 mins.
Problem is, I can't open an EFT file so no idea if it works. The company seems legit and spoke directly with the owner.
Sent off a Form 1 last night to SBR a lower receiver. If it gets approved, I'll update this post so you can choose to use them if you already have paper prints.
If it gets rejected because of the prints, OR, i start seeing credit cards in my name, well, guess I took one for the team and will let ya'll know that, too.

Cost was $50.