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    MGO LIFE Member XDM 40 cal's Avatar
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    SIG Sauer Releases Safety Bulletin On Unintentional Discharges

    NRA Life member, NRARSO, Howell Gun Club member, MDFI Alum 2019 & 2020, 2023 GOA Life Member. MGO life member.

  2. #2
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    I read the bulletin. I'm not sure how well this would go over with Law Enforcement, many of which are using light bearing holsters. It just seemed to be reiterating the same warnings the holster manufacturers themselves use with light bearing holsters.
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  3. #3
    MGO Member MCPO_SOCM_RET's Avatar
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    Yeah. Just another updated reprint of their (SIG) safety bulletins on this topic.
    Tacticool turns to uncool when your sidearm falls out of the holster...I think there were a couple of recent (this year/last year) lawsuits from not knowing how to use your gear properly.
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  4. #4
    MGO Member pscipio03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MCPO_SOCM_RET View Post
    Yeah. Just another updated reprint of their (SIG) safety bulletins on this topic.
    Tacticool turns to uncool when your sidearm falls out of the holster...I think there were a couple of recent (this year/last year) lawsuits from not knowing how to use your gear properly.

    This LEO was not doing anything wrong and his P320 went off in the holster from what appears to be him literally just bending down and standing up.
    I own a 320 and shoot it quite often. But I have a hard time considering CCW'ing due to me not trusting the thing.
    If this was the first time we were hearing an issue with Sig pistols AD'ing, I'd be inclined to support a user error scenario.
    However, seems like Groundhog's Day scenario with them at this point.
    Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. Ronald Reagan

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  5. #5
    MGO Member MCPO_SOCM_RET's Avatar
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    Can't argue with that video.
    ADs, NDs, etc will almost certainly make up some % of the user experienced issues. What percentage? Who will ever really know.
    I sent my older 320 back to them when the rolled out the "voluntary upgrade" that "reduces the physical weight of the trigger, sear, and striker while additionally adding a mechanical disconnector."
    I would think a PD that uses service issue 320's would have done that too, but that's just an assumption on my part.
    No issues with mine before, or after - but I do see your point.
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  6. #6
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    Sig did settle some of the lawsuits out of court however of the ones that have gone to court:

    Frankenberry v Sig - Summary judgement for Sig
    Herman v Sig - Summary judgement for Sig
    Schneider v Sig - Dismissed with prejudice by the plantiff who was found criminally liable (this is the one where the guy accidently shot his wife and blamed the gun)
    Guay v Sig - Unanimous jury verdict in favor of Sig
    Mayes v Sig - Summary judgement for Sig
    Collette v Sig - Dismissed with prejudice by plaintiff (this is the one wher it was wrapped in a towel in a gym bag)
    Jinn v Sig - Summary judgement for Sig

    Of the cases settled out of court, we don't know what Sig knows, but I'm glad they are fighting these suits.

    Montville PD - where the video is from, did not let Sig test the gun or holster. They did send it to their own forensics lab. Nothing has been released publicly that I can find to date from their examination.

    I don't know whether the number of discharges would be less if Sig had gone with a trigger with the dingus all along or if they used a heavier trigger bar spring, or somehting else.

    I personally like the P320, and carry them, and compete with one. I do try to be extra careful when holstering.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by pscipio03 View Post
    If this was the first time we were hearing an issue with Sig pistols AD'ing, I'd be inclined to support a user error scenario.
    However, seems like Groundhog's Day scenario with them at this point.
    From the Washington Post in 1998

    "In the 10 years since D.C. police adopted the Glock 9mm to combat the growing firepower of drug dealers, there have been more than 120 accidental discharges of the handgun. Police officers have killed at least one citizen they didn't intend to kill and have wounded at least nine citizens they didn't intend to wound. Nineteen officers have shot themselves or other officers accidentally. At least eight victims or surviving relatives have sued the District alleging injuries from accidental discharges."

    19 officers shot themselves or other officers in 10 years. I don't think even the P320 has gotten to that point yet.
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  8. #8
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    Damage is done. My Dept just switched hand guns and they wouldn't even consider trying the Sig P320. And Sigs are what we have carried the last 20 yrs. Going to the Glocks. Not a huge Dept. But about 120 pistols involved.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by j-squared View Post
    From the Washington Post in 1998

    "In the 10 years since D.C. police adopted the Glock 9mm to combat the growing firepower of drug dealers, there have been more than 120 accidental discharges of the handgun. Police officers have killed at least one citizen they didn't intend to kill and have wounded at least nine citizens they didn't intend to wound. Nineteen officers have shot themselves or other officers accidentally. At least eight victims or surviving relatives have sued the District alleging injuries from accidental discharges."

    19 officers shot themselves or other officers in 10 years. I don't think even the P320 has gotten to that point yet.
    Definitely a training issue. Very misleading headline. The only feature about the Glock that is problematic is having to pull the trigger on an empty chamber prior to removing the slide. Again, training resolves that problem too.

  10. #10
    MGO Member pscipio03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by j-squared View Post
    From the Washington Post in 1998

    "In the 10 years since D.C. police adopted the Glock 9mm to combat the growing firepower of drug dealers, there have been more than 120 accidental discharges of the handgun. Police officers have killed at least one citizen they didn't intend to kill and have wounded at least nine citizens they didn't intend to wound. Nineteen officers have shot themselves or other officers accidentally. At least eight victims or surviving relatives have sued the District alleging injuries from accidental discharges."

    19 officers shot themselves or other officers in 10 years. I don't think even the P320 has gotten to that point yet.
    Having worked with MPDC, I would be surprised if a single one of those was the fault of Glock. That is one of the most inept PD’s, if not THE most inept PD, in the nation.
    As for the Sig trigger, it isn’t internet lore like shooting lead out of a Glock or HK and it blowing up. People swear by that but no one has ever seen it happen.
    With Sig, they admitted fault with the heavy trigger. Maybe that’s caused some type of psychosomatic concern with the triggers now, but I can say I do know one LEO this happened to. And I trust what he told me.
    I’m not defending Glock or am a fanboi by any means. I am a 1911 guy, but I own a number of Glocks and Sigs. They are machines- machines made by man. And, well, man screws up often. When man screws up, he makes a machine that has faults.
    All I am leaning on is that Sig has had wide-spread issues with this in the past. Therefore I am more inclined to believe the issue still persists due to myriad of design flaws vs believing that people are just shooting themselves.
    Assuming that 2/3 of these are NDs and the fault of the person, that still leaves a mighty large amount of concern for carrying that pistol.
    Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. Ronald Reagan

    Gotta be somebody need some killin
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