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  1. #11
    MGO Member pscipio03's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    For the same reason we don't use horse and buggy anymore (shout out to the Amish breaking tradition and using a computer to read this).
    Does it work? Yes. Will it get ya where you need to go? Yes. Is it cheap on gas and really unlikely to get carjacked? Yes and yes.
    But, daddy doesn't want to take 2 hours to go the 3 miles for a Dunkin run.
    Advancements in ammo over the last 40 years makes the 9mm/45ACP debate less and less worthwhile. But, the .32 to modern 9mm is less a debate.
    As to why it was acceptable when the 45ACP was around, I'm guessing cost per round was the first reason. Then recoil and finally since the .32 came out 5 or 6 years before the 45ACP, if LEO/military were already carrying a pistol in that caliber, it wasn't financially prudent to replace to the 45ACP, especially if they were personally paying out of pocket.
    Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. Ronald Reagan

    Gotta be somebody need some killin
    Major Benson Winifred Payne

  2. #12
    MGO Member
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    Jun 2019
    Expectations for terminal effectiveness have changed because bullet technology advancements have allowed them to.

  3. #13
    I am a Forum User
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    not just bullet tech advancement, look at how many new powders have been created / brought to the market in recent years.
    Don't believe there were very many fast burning powders ( maybe Bullseye ? ) back when the .32 was popular.

  4. #14
    MGO Member Ol` Joe's Avatar
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    the dog house
    Joe, I believe most of the 32’s started out loaded with black powder.
    "Saepe errans, numquam dubitans --Frequently in error, never in doubt".

    The trouble with the Internet is that it's replacing masturbation as a leisure activity. ~Patrick Murray

  5. #15
    The number of times police officers removed their firearm from the holster was minimal. You could go your whole career and only need it once or twice so not much emphasis was placed in caliber.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by oldmann1967 View Post
    The number of times police officers removed their firearm from the holster was minimal. You could go your whole career and only need it once or twice so not much emphasis was placed in caliber.
    True. Good point.

  7. #17
    MGO Member Ol` Joe's Avatar
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    Just my opinion, but I’m thinking the performance of the 32 as a police and elf defense cartridge is the reason for the development of the 9mm Kurtz and other cartridges. The same is going on today with new cartridge offerings that are supposed to best the ones you’re presently shooting.
    "Saepe errans, numquam dubitans --Frequently in error, never in doubt".

    The trouble with the Internet is that it's replacing masturbation as a leisure activity. ~Patrick Murray

  8. #18
    MGO Member
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    I recently inherited an FN Model 1910 .32 acp.
    A little gun with a lot of history. Used to kill Ferdinand to start WWI. kill a French President in 1932, and used on Huey Long in 1935.
    For it's size it is accurate and fun to shoot, and obviously from the history above, good enough to do the job.
    To quote my friend Hendo, "The best gun in the world is the one in your hand when you need one."

  9. #19
    MGO Member
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    I remember meeting a German engineer shooting his rifle at the Island Lake range and he saw me shooting my HK45 (45 ACP ) and the first thing he said was "too much power ! ". Europeans like their small calibers for M@P . America likes Dirty Harry and his 44 magnum and John Browning and his 1911 45acp.

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