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  1. #1
    MGO Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Multiple weapons stolen Jackson County

    A large number of weapons and ammunition were stolen from my home in Jackson County while I was hospitalized. It is believed that the theft was perpetrated by family members. If you purchased any arms from anyone with the last name of Schrot or Seifert in the Jackson or Grand Rapids area, you may have purchased one of these stolen weapons. Among the stolen weapons was a Remington Rand 1911, a SPAZ 12 combat shotgun, a HK SP1 9mm carbine, a Styer Aug, a FN PS90, several Remington M700's with high end scopes, many AR's, AK's and a VZ57 with high end electronic sites including Red dots, Eotechs, Trijicons, and Vortex. PM me here with any information. I have photos of each weapon if needed for identification.

  2. #2
    MGO Member Tom S.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Northwest of Detroit
    That sucks!
    Lighten up Francis.

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