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  1. #1
    MGO Board of Directors

    Trustee CyborgHunter's Avatar

    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Macomb County, MI

    Bow Hunting with an EDC Handgun/Pistol Redux

    This was discussed awhile back, but I have questions.

    Are there links to the laws pertaining to this subject?
    I have read the Michigan Hunting Handbook, but as the State puts it: "This brochure is not a legal notice or a complete collection of hunting regulations and laws."

    While deer hunting during bow season, and carrying legally, is one permitted to to take non-deer with the EDC?
    For instance, can a feral hog be taken with the EDC while bow hunting for deer?
    Can a coyote be taken with the EDC while bow hunting for deer?
    What prohibits someone from carrying an EDC openly while bow hunting?

    From the handbook:
    Can I carry a firearm during archery deer season?
    During the archery deer seasons, it is unlawful to possess or carry afield a pistol,
    revolver or other firearm while bow hunting for deer.
    Exception- This prohibition does not apply to the following:
    • An individual who is properly licensed to hunt deer with a firearm and is in an
    area open to firearm deer hunting during the early and late antlerless season,
    Liberty Hunt, Independence Hunt and the Nov. 15-30 firearm deer hunt.
    • An individual who is properly licensed to hunt deer with a firearm and is in an
    area open to the muzzleloading deer season in Zone 2 or Zone 3.
    Pistols carried under authority of a concealed pistol license or properly carried
    under authority of a specific exception from the requirement of a concealed
    pistol license. However, a concealed pistol license does not authorize the
    individual to use the pistol to take game except as provided by law

    "...except as provided by law." What law?
    DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in my posts are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or official policies of Michigan Gun Owners.

  2. #2
    MGO Member MCPO_SOCM_RET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2022
    The DNR's Wildlife Conservation Order (WCO)
    Section 3.101
    (5) Subject to section 43510(2) and (3), 1994 PA 451 MCL 324.43510, during the open bow and arrow season, as described in subsection (4), an individual hunting deer with a bow and arrow or a crossbow shall not possess or carry afield a pistol, revolver, or any other firearm unless:
    (a) The individual is properly licensed to hunt deer with a firearm and is hunting in an area open to firearm deer hunting.
    (b) The individual is properly licensed to hunt deer with a firearm and is hunting in an area open to the muzzleloading and black-powder firearms deer season in zone 2 and zone 3.
    (c) An individual taking a deer under the terms and conditions of a disease control permit authorized under section 5.77 of this order may possess or carry a bow and arrow or crossbow, and a firearm, if applicable.
    Which points to...

    MCL 324.43510 Carrying or transporting firearm, slingshot, bow and arrow, crossbow, or trap; license required; exception; applicability to taking of wild animal.
    (1) Subject to subsection (2), except as provided in section 43513, and except for an individual hunting on a game bird hunting preserve licensed under part 417, an individual shall not carry or transport a firearm, slingshot, bow and arrow, crossbow, or a trap while in any area frequented by wild animals unless that individual has in his or her possession a license as required under this part.
    (2) This act or a rule promulgated or order issued by the department or the commission under this act shall not be construed to prohibit an individual from transporting a pistol or carrying a loaded pistol, whether concealed or not, if either of the following applies:
    (a) The individual has in his or her possession a license to carry a concealed pistol under 1927 PA 372, MCL 28.421 to 28.435.

    (b) The individual is authorized under the circumstances to carry a concealed pistol without obtaining a license to carry a concealed pistol under 1927 PA 372, MCL 28.421 to 28.435, as provided for under any of the following:
    (i) Section 12a of 1927 PA 372, MCL 28.432a.
    (ii) Section 227, 227a, 231, or 231a of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.227, 750.227a, 750.231, and 750.231a.
    (3) Subsection (2) does not authorize an individual to take or attempt to take a wild animal except as provided by law.
    "except as provided by law" points you back to the WCO for game seasons, hunting hours, hunting/furbearer licensing, etc. Which of course will ultimately correlate to the codified sections of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (451 of 1994).

  3. #3
    MGO Board of Directors

    Trustee CyborgHunter's Avatar

    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Macomb County, MI
    Thank you for that reply.
    Any idea how they can get away with cancelling a citizens right to open carry without a permit?
    DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in my posts are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or official policies of Michigan Gun Owners.

  4. #4
    MGO Member MCPO_SOCM_RET's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2022
    How do they get away with it? Just like anything else. Crap answer, but true.
    Open carry is not specifically allowed or prohibited, so it isn't really cancelling anything or standing at odds with State law. Again, another crap answer.

    Open carry in the woods during bow season is not prohibited outright, just during bow season while actively hunting deer. Yep, still a pile of crap. Do I agree with it? No. But that is what the State/DNR says.


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