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  1. #1
    Legal Forum Contributor / Super Moderator Shyster's Avatar
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    Aug 2008

    Beware of Guns.com

    In March of 2024 I purchased a used LWRC SMG-45 with a pistol brace from Guns.com. The purchase process was smooth, the price was great and I was very happy.

    I have pistol braces and decided to do a Form 1 SBR. I purchased $500 worth of upgrades for it and eagerly waited for F1 approval.

    In June 2024 I received a DENIAL on my F1. It seems the previous owner had applied for a Form 1 under the pistol brace amnesty period. The response I received from BATFE was that the firearm was already in the NFA database.

    In July I contacted Customer Service. After a month, after a nasty lawyer letter, I finally got a manager involved. A few days later I received a call back and was informed they had reached out to the original owner who informed them they had sent a letter to BATFE to have the firearm removed from the database. They were giving me a $100 gift card for my trouble. GREAT! I asked for a copy of the letter. None ever came. This is late August. I kept contacting them every other week through October to get an update and no response.

    In November I reached out to a couple of BATFE agents I have dealt with in the past out of the Detroit Field Office and asked for assistance. They put me in touch with a senior analyst at the NFA Technical Division in West Virginia. The analyst stated, as far as he could see, the firearm had NOT been removed from the NFA database. The analyst stated that he believed I was in possession of an illegal NFA weapon. I disagree as there were multiple 4473s but decided I was done fighting this.

    On December 5, 2024 I received an RMA number to return the firearm free of charge. I used a local shop to package and send it (shout out to The Firing Line in Westland for their assistance!). The firearm was shipped out December 6, 2024 and received by Guns.com on December 10, 2024.

    On December 17, 2024 I emailed to check the status of my refund. I was informed they could not refund my original payment method and would be sending a paper check. On January 3, 2025 I emailed asking for an update on my refund. No response.

    Today I emailed and called customer service. I have been promised they would overnight a check to me today. We shall see.
    DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in my posts are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or official policies of Michigan Gun Owners. Any opinion I express on an issue should not be considered legal advice.

    For those interested in establishing an NFA or Gun Trust click here. For my contact information click here. Follow me on Twitter @makowskilegal or my website www.makowskilegal.com

  2. #2
    MGO Member Fuel Fire Desire's Avatar
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    This sounds like an absolute nightmare. If it were me, I would have had to hire you for assistance and have had to spend quite a bit more to get this resolved. All the meanwhile sweating bullets that the new and aggressive BATFE would come knocking at my door.

    There is no reason why it should be this difficult to accept a return. I understand that things get weird with firearm returns, I have worked for an FFL with a “hard” no return policy, and have purchased from another with the same policy. Both FFL’s would (and did for me) absolutely show leniency in extenuating circumstances and accept the firearm back with no pushback if it was something more than “I just don’t want it anymore”.

    This is the big problem with online big box stores. While they have screaming deals, it’s entirely impersonal.

    Though….NFA question…. If the SBR were on the registry but was unmade back into a pistol and sold, is it still a transfer of a SBR/ NFA item even though it was transferred in a pistol configuration? Just curious how many possible felons are out there that now own SBR’s lowers that were never engraved (by the brace exemption or otherwise).

    The entire SBR/ AOW/ suppressor language just needs to go away….

  3. #3
    What a mess! I hope that they can sort this out, and get you whole again.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator RifleGuy's Avatar
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    Dearborn Heights... the South one.
    And this is why I don't buy guns, cars, or motorcycles online.
    If I can't pet it before buying, I'm not buying.
    An ATTORNEY is struggling to get this resolved; I wouldn't stand a chance.
    Life is too serious to take too seriously.
    DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in my posts are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or official policies of Michigan Gun Owners.

    NRA Certified Range Safety Officer
    Celebrate Recovery! Member & Group Coach

  5. #5
    Was the receiver engraved with NFA details? Seem like maybe it wasn't and illegal on that basis.
    How would that work transferring an NFA item, using a different owners trust, ownership, location, etc.

  6. #6
    Legal Forum Contributor / Super Moderator Shyster's Avatar
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    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Omni View Post
    Was the receiver engraved with NFA details? Seem like maybe it wasn't and illegal on that basis.
    How would that work transferring an NFA item, using a different owners trust, ownership, location, etc.
    It was never engraved. There was nothing in its appearance to indicate it was possibly in the NFA Registry but for the fact there was a brace on it.

    It could be that the "delisting" registry is not synced with the NFA registry but I don't even know if it was removed from the registry.
    DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in my posts are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or official policies of Michigan Gun Owners. Any opinion I express on an issue should not be considered legal advice.

    For those interested in establishing an NFA or Gun Trust click here. For my contact information click here. Follow me on Twitter @makowskilegal or my website www.makowskilegal.com

  7. #7
    I am a Forum User
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    Was it from Guns.com directly or a third-party seller? As I know guns.com will use third-party dealers.

    Not trying to defend them as it sounds like they handled this poorly. We've had where guns.com has had processing issues and have had to mail us checks.

  8. #8
    Legal Forum Contributor / Super Moderator Shyster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PatriotWholesale View Post
    Was it from Guns.com directly or a third-party seller? As I know guns.com will use third-party dealers.

    Not trying to defend them as it sounds like they handled this poorly. We've had where guns.com has had processing issues and have had to mail us checks.
    It was purchased and shipped directly from guns.com
    DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in my posts are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or official policies of Michigan Gun Owners. Any opinion I express on an issue should not be considered legal advice.

    For those interested in establishing an NFA or Gun Trust click here. For my contact information click here. Follow me on Twitter @makowskilegal or my website www.makowskilegal.com

  9. #9
    MGO Member DLL9MM's Avatar
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    Wow. That’s nuts.

  10. #10
    Shyster what's your next move ?

    Doesn't seem like we would stand a chance. Charge back with credit card ?

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