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  1. #1
    I am a Forum User
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    1892 Winchester. 25-20

    A friend has this rifle in pretty good shape, wonders if I would be interested in purchasing it. Looked around a little but only found it’s history , anyone know much about this and what it might be worth. Looks to be at least 80 % on the finish I can reload but didn’t see any brass for sale in my limited search, mostly brownels. Thanks

  2. #2
    MGO Member MCPO_SOCM_RET's Avatar
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    A Winchester '92 chambered in 25-20 with a good bore is pretty hard to find.
    Good 25-20 brass is rare, but you can size 32-20 brass - still hard to find but around thanks to the CAS/SASS folks. (that's a different topic)

    I've been hunting for one for years - to use/shoot, not sit in a safe or display case.
    If the bore is still bright and crisp...$1,000 ballpark. If the bore isn't too bad $750-ish.

    Still many other factors to consider to get a better guestimate of value.

  3. #3
    MGO Member
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    Sure it's a rifle? What is the barrel length? Carbines are worth more money.
    Stop The Robberies Enjoy Safe Streets / You can't argue with slaves that don't know they're shackled.

  4. #4
    MGO Member MCPO_SOCM_RET's Avatar
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    John brings up a good point.
    It could be a rifle, short rifle, carbine, trapper or musket (and solid or takedown versions of each, except musket). Octagon, half round, or round barrel. Saddle ring or no saddle ring. Crescent or 'shotgun' butt.
    Barrel length anywhere from 12" to 24" (or longer if it was a special order). You could have an 18" short rifle or a 20" carbine.

    Back when 25-20's were being pumped out, you could mix and match the terms above. Today's terminology - rifle or carbine - doesn't directly correlate to barrel length. Whether it has a steel forend cap (rifle) or a barrel band (carbine) is the period correct distinction between the two terms.

  5. #5
    I am a Forum User
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    It is not a carbine, 24 inch barrel , octagon, crescent butt, no saddle ring, I’m out if it’s worth more than $1000.00. I can post his info on found a deal if anyone is interested. I of course have to get his permission.

  6. #6
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    if ammo or brass is difficult to find, seems like it would be a wall-hanger..not something you could use very often.
    If I couldn't find brass for it, would be useless to me.
    If someone's a collector, a purchase might make sense..but for a shooter, ammo/brass scarcity would make it seem useless, IMO.

    I have a 32/20..it's a pretty light round, wondered why bother with it ? In the old BP days, it was probably useful for small to medium sized game, to feed a family..but today ?
    Maybe a good history lesson.. a reminder of how firearms developed, as improvement in smokeless powder emerged.
    Mine's a Contender, bought from a friend who was cash-strapped, & he couldn't find anyone else who'd buy it..I did, just to help him out.
    Haven't fired mine much, despite have some loaded rds. brass, & bullets for it. Maybe because it's a Contender.. another idea I never really understood.
    Too long to be a pistol & too short to be a rifle. I do think the idea of a multiple use frame with interchangable barrels in different calibers is a good idea.
    . kinda like using an AR -15 lower w/ other caliber uppers..
    Last edited by joepistol; 02-03-2025 at 09:06 AM.

  7. #7
    I am a Forum User
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    Warren, mi
    25-20 brass is easy to form from 32-20. Starline makes 32-20 brass at a reasonable price. I have a 25-20 and enjoy shooting it!

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