If you've read any of my earlier posts on these ARX bullets,( sold by Raven Works Precision ) it should come as no surprise that I like them..a lot.
I have tried these ARX composite bullets in .380, 9mm, 38, & 45acp, all with better-than-expected results.
Getting higher than usual velocities from a 9mm rnd. because the projectile is so light, is nice.
Discovering that there is less felt recoil ( muzzle jump) when shooting these rds is an unexpected bonus.
The lessened recoil results in my sights staying on target, = improved accuracy & tighter grouping of shots fired.
As I'm not that great of a shot, its sometimes hard to notice just how much of an improvement there may be in the experimental rds. I load.
I took a friend to the indoor range today, an older friend ( older than me = OLDER) who was experiencing cabin fever, having been kept indoors due to our latest cold spell.
Said it'd been many yrs. since he' s fired a gun, so I took a 38 revolver & 9mm (1911) to shoot @ 7 yds , so I can actually see where I hit on my target.
I've learned there may be someone shooting @ the 50' (15+yds) shooting line, so I usually take a scoped .22 rifle and / or my 9mm PPC , to shoot @ that distance.
I've shot the 65gr. ARX bullets in 4 different 9mm autoloader pistols I own, all functioned perfectly with the load. had wanted to try them in my AR-9, but ran out of time on my last range visit,
sodecided to take it along today. Thought it might be easier for jerry to shoot than the pistols ..( I was wrong) Jerry had difficulty being able to see thru my scopes. They work fine for me..
I'd brought along some of the Norma 94 gr 9mm loads, as they worked fine in the autoloading pistols I tried them in, but hadn't tried them in my AR-9 either.. until today.
Granted, I was only shooting @ 50 ft. but I was pleased with the groups I got @ that distance. Both targets have a 5 shot group.
When warmer weather arrives, I'll try these loads @ greater distance, until then..I think I'll load a few more rds.